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Components require tailwindcss to be installed in the project. Here links for NuxtJS, Vite or Tailwind cli.

  1. Install elements

    Terminal window
    pnpm add @sv/elements
  2. Copy a component into your project.

    This copies a component template into your project.

    Terminal window
    npx @sv/components button
    • Directorysrc/components/
      • Button.tsx
    • package.json
  3. Change styling or behavior of the component in the copy inside your project.

    export const buttonVariants = {
    outline: "rounded-lg border border-[#C09278] px-6 py-2 bg-transparent",
    solid: "rounded-lg bg-[#C09278] px-6 py-2 active:bg-[rgba(158,118,96,1)]",
    ghost: "p-2 flex items-center gap-2 text-2xl hover:text-[#C09278]",
    export default function Button(props: {
    variant?: keyof typeof variants;
    }, context) {
    return (
    <button type="button" class={`cursor-pointer ${buttonVariants[props.variant ?? "solid"]}`}>
  4. Import and use the components anywhere in your project.

    import "~/components/Button";
    <Button variant="outline">Click me</Button>;
  5. Or optionally use the custom-elements directly for most compatibility with, or without, a framework.

    import "@sv/elements/a-expandable";
    export function App() {
    return (
    <a-expandable opened></a-expandable>;

Browser Support

Can I use Support for WebComponents exists in major browsers since around 2018.

Support table

More information here