A button.
npx @sv/components button
/* @jsxImportSource vue */import { Icon } from "@components/src/vue/Icon";import { Button } from "@components/src/vue/Button";
export default function () { return ( <div class="flex gap-10"> <Button>Button</Button> <Button disabled>Disabled</Button> <Button> <span>with icon</span> <Icon name="check" /> </Button> </div> );}
/* @jsxImportSource vue */import { Icon } from "@components/src/vue/Icon";import { Button } from "@components/src/vue/Button";
export default function () { return ( <div class="flex gap-10"> <Button variant="outline">Button</Button> <Button variant="outline" disabled> Disabled </Button> <Button variant="outline"> <span>with icon</span> <Icon name="check" /> </Button> </div> );}
/* @jsxImportSource vue */import { Icon } from "@components/src/vue/Icon";import { Button } from "@components/src/vue/Button";
export default function () { return ( <div class="flex gap-10"> <Button variant="ghost">Button</Button> <Button variant="ghost" disabled> Disabled </Button> <Button variant="ghost"> <span>with icon</span> <Icon name="check" /> </Button> </div> );}
Links are not buttons and buttons are not links. Links have hrefs and buttons do not, so having props that apply only in a certain variation is confusing.
But sometimes you need a link that looks like a button. So we have a separate Link component with a button variant. You can replace the a tag inside this component with a framework specific router link.
/* @jsxImportSource vue */import { Link } from "@components/src/vue/Button";
export default function () { return ( <div class="flex gap-10 text-white"> <Link variant="default" href="https://google.com" target="_blank"> To somewhere </Link> <Link variant="outline" href="https://bing.com" target="_blank"> To somewhere else </Link> </div> );}